Monday, 26 October 2009


This was my favourite video from the exhibition. I just think it is incredible how he transforms furniture into clothing, something that from what I know, has never been attempted by other designers. I think that this was inspired by refugees, to show how they are continuously moving, and are practically wearing their wardrobe or house.

I like to think that I could one day create a garment which means more than just a fashion statement. This may sound (in fact definitely does sound) really cliché and american, but my ideal future career would be to create something for a reason and for a purpose and for a point. Which Hussein Chalayan definitely does.

Hussein Chalayan

Hussein Chalayan may, in fact, be my biggest fashion and textile inspiration. It's not because he creates beautiful designs or fashionable garments - as do many. But I think to him it is more than just a fashion garment. To him it is art. Or maybe I should say, to me it is art.

I visited his exhibition in the Design Museum in London last Easter, and have been meaning to some how document my opinions of him ever since.

Hussein Chalayan is possibly the most famous designer in terms of experimentation - clothes which turn into tables, chairs that transform on the model. I visited his exhibition a month ago and was beyond inspired - his passion and curiosity and ambition to change clothes and fashion into something of an art form.

The exhibitions included 'Afterwords', which I absolutely loved, and 'Airborne', where Hussein Chalayan uses the latest LED technology to fashion design with a specatcular dress consisting of crystals and 15,000 flickering LED lights. His work crosses between architecture, design, philosophy and anthropology, science and technology.

If you haven't already guessed, I want to BE him.

When Wonders Think

I want to explain my blogs' name. I think I need to. It did take me about a year to think this up - which just goes to show how talented I am at writing, and my general geniusness. I am still not entirely happy with it and will almost definitely change it. For the time being its 'When Wonders Think'. My flat mate scrutinized it, trying to figure out what I was meant to say. I think she might think that I'm illiterate and can't construct sentences. Which to be honest, may be true. But anyway, timidly, I responded 'that it was a play on words - as in, When One Does Think, as it is documenting my Wonders and my Thoughts'. I don't know whether that's obvious, or just made sense in my little mind. But I suppose that's what this blog is really about - for me to put what's in my mind up. And to find things for me to put in my mind.

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

My First Blog Post

Hello! This is my first ever blog post. How exciting!

I have been encouraged, through my university, to create an inspiring design blog, which shows my passions, my thoughts, my wonders, my aims and ambitions. I have many hopes for it; that it will be successful, and that I will actually continue to post things on here; that it is interesting and enjoyable; and that it actually benefits me in the future, with a possible job offer or business proposal. I'm sure I'm not expecting too much.

I have been known to join everything, such as in freshers week, and in fact not officially take part in anything. Somehow I always feel so busy and stressed with any amount of work, that I couldn't possibly have enough time for sport or even exercise. I don't understand how medics can physically do it - particularly medics who are also captains in hockey. 9 til 5 every day then sports on the weekend. Jeez. However this year, I want to make more of an effort, and have signed up to the Stage Musical Society to do the Costume Design. I am doing this with two lovely girls from fashion. I will be documenting our progress, as I'm sure you're desperate to see the outcome - as am I.

Ok, well fortunately I have managed to find enough time in my busy life to write this first ever blog post, I hasten to add, about 2 weeks after actually creating it - my real first ever blog (just to test out colours and fonts) was literally one line: 'this is my first blog post'. Which to be honest is really lazy and not exciting and doesn't give much hope to the rest of the blog.

When constructing this blog, as part of an assignment, we had to make a sketchbook to show how we came up with using Blogger; to show what type of things we'll be writing about and to show our target group. I struggled trying to figure out who my target group is. Surely, it is anybody who has the decency to look on my blog. Which, most likely for the time being, will be supportive friends. Is it really likely to be as successful as Tavi Gevinson? The 13 year old fashionista. And are designers and journalists going to read my blog? But I suppose it does come down to who I'm writing to, and I'm not writing to a 50 year old lonely businessman who enjoys fishing as his past time, or a 16 year old boy who is only interested or obsessed in computer games and losing his virginity. Also, I reckon its unlikely that my mum would ever have enough time to surf the net and stumble upon a design blog. But she will be looking at mine now! So who knows. And that businessman could be looking on his mates fishing blog and press 'next blog' and mine appears. And that teenage boy could be surfing game blogs (if they exist) and presses 'next blog' and mine appears. So in all truthfulness anyone could be reading this blog. So what a silly assignment.

Well, I have slightly blabbered. I'll definitely be making shorter blogs in the future. Ones that are actually design related.
